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Role of parents in children's development

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They say it takes a village to raise a child. 

And if that’s the case, we can think of parents as the leaders of this village. 

To a child, their parents are at the centre of their universe. They are the first faces the child sees, the first voices they recognise, and the first touches that welcome them into the world. 

That is why a parent’s role in children’s life is so essential. In this article, we will be discussing why parents are important, the different developmental needs children have, and the importance of parents in child development. 

What are the developmental needs of children? 

Every child is unique. Which is why every child has their own specific needs and requirements. Even so, there are some developmental needs that all children have in common. 

Parents’ role in children’s life begins with understanding these needs. Here are some of the developmental needs of children that all parents must keep in mind: 

1. Physical: 

This covers the most basic and fundamental needs that children have. For instance, food, shelter, and clothing. 

However, it can also be extended to include access to clean and safe environments, health care facilities, and stimulating physical activities. 

2. Cognitive:

Children’s cognitive needs must be fulfilled in order for them to learn new information, engage their memory, pay attention to things, and think critically. 

To develop these cognitive skills, children need active engagement. This can be through regular conversation, exploration of new places, and play. 

3. Emotional: 

Children require lots of love, affection, support, and encouragement in order to develop into secure adults. 

When kids receive this love from their parents, the benefits are severalfold. It develops their brains better, improves their health, boosts their self-esteem, and even enhances their academic performance. 

4. Social: 

Children tend to be very curious and need lots of attention from the people around them. They also experience many feelings and emotions which are new to them. 

This is why the little ones need to be taught how to name and manage their feelings. Additionally, they need to be exposed to new people and experiences in safe and controlled environments. This way, they can learn how to cooperate, share, and build healthy relationships. 

5. Spiritual: 

It might seem like an unusual idea to entertain, but children do have spiritual needs. Their innate curiosity makes them wonder about the world at large. 

They need to understand abstract ideas like right and wrong. Concepts like compassion, honesty, forgiveness, and morality can be complex for a child to grasp. Which is why parents are important here. They must teach children to explore the spiritual world with patience and openness. 

It must be noted that these needs might shift and vary as children reach different developmental milestones. As parents, it is important to stay tuned to these changes and alter parenting approaches accordingly. 

What is the role of parents in children’s development? 

Parents are often the first influences in a child’s life. They tend to be the people who spend the most amount of time with their kids. 

Because of this, the importance of parents in child development is undeniable. Here are some of the responsibilities parents take on when they welcome a little one into their lives: 

1. Fulfilling their children’s needs: 

Usually, a parent is the primary caregiver for their child. This means that the child depends on their parent for all of their physical, cognitive, emotional, social, and spiritual needs. 

So, a parent’s role does not stop at feeding and clothing their child. It also includes providing them with affection, teaching them right from wrong, and helping them learn good manners and life skills

2. Acting as role models:

Children are very perceptive, and they learn a lot simply by observing the world around them. This is why kids tend to mirror the behaviours, actions, and habits of their parents. 

Keeping this in mind, parents need to proactively take on the position of role models for their children. They must embody the kind of traits and characteristics that they want their children to develop. 

3. Developing routines: 

A routine is a collection of good habits that are repeated regularly until they become a part of your daily life. This is why routines are the key to long-term success. And parents are the ones who can hand over this key to their children. 

From morning routines to bed-time routines, study routines to play routines, parents can help build a solid foundation for their children’s growth.

4. Creating a nurturing environment: 

The idea of a nurturing environment goes beyond a safe space. While safety is paramount, a nurturing environment also aims to be engaging, fulfilling, and educational. 

When parents create such an environment, their child feels safe, supported, and stimulated. The environment then acts as a controlled model of the real world. Here, they can explore, experiment, learn, and even make mistakes, without getting in harm’s way. 

5. Providing a good lifestyle: 

A good lifestyle does not necessarily require a big budget, fancy toys, and a world-class education. A good lifestyle simply means one that is holistic, well-rounded, and balanced. 

Parents can plan for such a lifestyle by enrolling their children in good schools and encouraging them to participate in extra-curricular activities. They can also invest in quality entertainment and worthwhile experiences such as family trips. 

How can parents fulfill their role effectively? 

Parents take on several roles in the lives of their children. The more involved they are, the more the child feels seen and supported. 

But the role of parents in children’s development can be fulfilled more effectively through strong bonds. Here are some ways parents can strengthen their bonds with their children:

  • Communicate openly:
    This involves listening to the child and allowing them to express themselves fully. It also includes talking to them about important topics and allowing them to share their opinions too. Open communication can show a child that their thoughts and inputs matter. 
  • Spend quality time:
    A parent’s whole-hearted presence alone can be the greatest gift for their children. Spending quality time with children can help parents create memories for a lifetime. From reading to cooking together, the options for spending quality time are endless and can be very rewarding for both parent and child. 
  • Engage with the child’s interests: 

Some children may enjoy playing a sport, while some may love trying arts and crafts. When parents put in the effort of figuring out their child’s interests, it helps them get to know their child at a deeper level. And when they do these activities together, the child receives the message that their parent cares about their interests and enjoys spending time with them. 

When we ask ourselves why parents are important, the answer is never short and simple. A parent’s role in children’s life takes on different shapes and forms. 

They are their child’s caregivers, protectors, mentors, supporters, and friends. Parents must strive to fulfil these roles as best as they can. 

However, it is also important for parents to look after themselves. Only if they are feeling healthy and well can they help their children feel the same way. 

As the saying goes, one must fill their own cup before pouring from it. Together, a happy parent and a happy child can pave the way for a brighter and happier world.