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Best study routine secrets for students

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So, you’ve just made a resolution. You’ve decided to: 

  • ace your exams
  • join a sports team and 
  • stand for the student elections

But, wait. You’ve also decided to:

  • make new friends 
  • get more sleep and 
  • be more relaxed 

Does it seem like the two lists are clashing? Does balance seem impossible? Before you tear up your lists and toss them in the bin, we’re going to let you in on a secret. 

You can achieve everything you want, and more, with the help of one simple tool — and that tool is a daily routine. 

We know you have more questions, and we’ve got the answers. In this article, we’re going to discuss: 

  1. What is a routine? 
  2. >Why is an everyday routine for students important?
  3. >What is the best routine for students?
  4. >How do you stay consistent with a routine?

What is a routine? 

A routine is a series of activities that are regularly performed in the same order. For instance, an athlete’s routine might include a warm-up session, followed by a set of exercises, and then some cool-down stretches. 

A routine is an incredibly powerful practice to help you achieve your goals in a healthy, balanced, and sustainable manner. From high school students to top executives, everyone can benefit from following a routine. 

Why is an everyday routine for students important? 

The best routine for students is the one that kills many birds with one stone. A thoughtful and well-planned routine is important because it comes with several benefits. Here, we’ve listed some of the positive impacts of a healthy daily routine for students: 

1. Provides structure to the day:

Following a daily routine provides a sense of stability and structure to your days. When you wake up each morning, you already know what you need to do and when you need to do it. 

This saves you both time and energy. The plan for the day has already been made, and all you need to do is follow it. 

2. Improves time management skills:

When you build and follow a routine day in and day out, it teaches you how to spend the right amount of time for the right activities. It also teaches you how to save time by weeding out distractions. 

3. Increases productivity: 

By diligently following a daily routine, you can achieve more in a given day. You can tick more things off your to-do list, tackle tasks more efficiently, and find more peace and calm. 

4. Enhances performance: 

Thanks to increased productivity, you will begin to see a similar improvement in your performance. This is not limited to just better grades and scores. It can also include your performance in extra-curricular activities. 

5. Decreases stress: 

A daily routine is like a well-oiled machine that helps you get important things done on time. When you’re not worried about upcoming deadlines, tests, and submissions, you’re more likely to feel calm and relaxed. 

6. Gives you more freedom: 

Some people might think that following a daily routine might feel restrictive. They assume that following a routine means you do not have the freedom to spend time the way you want to. 

Actually, it is the opposite that is true. When you follow a well-structured routine, all of your priorities are taken care of in advance. This means that you get more free time to rest, pursue your hobbies, or just do something spontaneous! 

7. Teaches you discipline:

Following a routine is simple, but it may not always feel easy. On some days, the temptation to abandon your routine might be very strong. 

But when you push past that temptation and stick to your schedule, you’ll find that this leaves you feeling better in the long run. It reinforces your will power. 

8. Builds good habits: 

As we discussed earlier, a routine is basically a collection of habits that have been stacked together. And the only way to build a habit is to repeat it consistently over time. And if your routine consists of good, healthy habits, you’ll be able to reap their benefits even outside the classroom. 

What is the best routine for students?

If you’re looking for daily routine examples for students, you’ve come to the right place. Here, we’ve included a sample everyday routine for students that you can customise according to your needs. 

1. Wake up early

Are you rolling your eyes because you’ve heard this a million times already? Well, there’s a reason why you’ve come across this advice so often. 

Waking up early gives you the perfect head start. It allows you to do the things that are most important to you at a time when things are still quiet and peaceful. If you’ve gotten enough sleep the night before, waking up early can also ensure that you are fresh and alert throughout the rest of the day. 

That said, different people thrive during different times of the day. Some students may identify as ‘night owls’. If you’re one of them, try waking up at least half an hour earlier than you normally would and see if this benefits you.  

We recommend: Waking up between 5-6 am. 

2. Get moving:

Exercise is one of the best ways to begin your morning routine. It wakes you up, energises you, and can make you feel more prepared to take on the day. 

Exercise has also been proven to boost immunity, reduce stress, and increase mental focus and clarity. You do not have to do anything extremely strenuous to reap these benefits. There are a million different options out there, from going on a run to practising yoga. Just pick the one that brings you joy. 

We recommend: Exercising for 30-45 minutes. 

3. Eat a nutritious breakfast: 

If you’re the type of student who rushes out the door with just a glass of milk, pause! Take some time to eat a wholesome and nutritious breakfast. 

Food is fuel and you need energy in order to complete all the activities planned for the day. Eating healthy meals is crucial because it gives your body and mind the nutrients that they need to grow, learn, and succeed. 

We recommend: Spending 20-30 minutes enjoying each meal that is rich in carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats.   

4. Prepare for your classes: 

If you wake up early, this gives you enough time to prepare for your school or college classes in advance. You can do this in many different ways. 

You can study some of the material that will be covered in today’s lessons. Or, you can revise what has been taught previously. You can also spend this time going over your planner or to-do lists to make sure that you have everything you need for the day, be it stationery, completed assignments, or your textbooks. 

We recommend: Spending about an hour on preparation and revision.

5. Maximise class hours: 

Ensure that you make the most of the time that you spend in school or college. Listen actively in class, take detailed notes, participate in discussions, and clarify your doubts with your teachers as soon as they crop up. 

The breaks between classes are very important for your mind to relax. But, if you find yourself with a lot of free time, make sure you don’t while it away. You could go over your notes for the next class, tackle a small portion of your assignment, or go over your flashcards for an upcoming quiz. 

6. Take some time off:

Once you’re done with all your classes for the day, take some time to rest and unwind. This is a great time to grab a healthy snack, catch up with friends and family, or read a few pages of your favorite novel. After-school activities and extra-curricular would fit in here perfectly as well. 

Time has a tendency to slip away when we’re having fun. So just make sure that your break doesn’t stretch till the end of the day. 

We recommend: Spending 30-45 minutes on fun and relaxing activities. 

7. Study and do homework: 

Once you’ve returned from your break, it’s time for your second study session of the day. This is the ideal time to complete any homework that was assigned. 

Go over your notes from the day and revise what was taught. Doing this every day can help you retain your study material for longer. This will make exam preparation a breeze. 

You can also use this time to make flashcards, get started on a big project, or prepare for the next day’s classes. Remember to take micro-breaks every 45 minutes or so to stay alert throughout your whole session. 

We recommend: Spending 2-2.5 hours studying, working on assignments, and preparing for the next day. 

8. Wind down:

A night-time routine is meant to help you wind down and get ready for deep, restful sleep. Going to bed early and at the same time every night will help you wake up early too. 

Reduce screen time at least an hour before going to bed. This will help your mind slow down and will give your eyes a much-needed break too. 

In addition to a nutritious dinner and relaxing activities, you can also include time to reflect on your day. This will help you record what went well, what needs improvement, and your progress so far. 

We recommend : Spending about an hour wrapping up the day.

Remember that this ideal daily routine for students is meant to be a sample. Feel free to rearrange the activities, adjust the timings, and add or remove tasks according to your specific goals. Just ensure that your routine is both realistic and well-balanced. 

How do you stay consistent with a routine? 

When it comes to following the ideal daily routine for students, consistency is key. You really need to stick with the routine day in and day out in order to reap its benefits. Here, we’ve put together some tips and tricks that can make an everyday routine for students easier to follow. 

1. Start small: 

Taking baby steps is a surefire way to become consistent with a healthy daily routine for students. If you’re new to the idea of following a routine, start with just one or two healthy habits. For example, going to bed and waking up at the same time each day. 

Once you’ve got these habits down pat, you can add more activities to your routine. Building your routine gradually and over time will ensure that you don’t get overwhelmed by the number of tasks in your list. 

2. Reward yourself: 

Everybody likes to feel acknowledged for the effort they put in. Rewards give you a sense of accomplishment. They also act as incentives for you to keep going and achieve the next goal on your agenda. 

Reward yourself every now and then to keep yourself motivated. For instance, if you find that you have stuck to your daily routine for a week, reward yourself by watching a movie or with a tasty snack. 

3. Be flexible: 

You should strive for discipline at all times. But know that too much discipline leads to rigidity. Sometimes, life has its own plans and unexpected events might get in the way of your routine. 

During such times, it is important to be able to adjust your routine. Flexibility will allow you to attend to your priorities even in the face of any curveballs that life throws at you. 

4. Find a buddy: 

They say that if you want to walk fast, walk alone. But if you want to walk far, walk together. Team up with a friend or a family member as you try to follow your daily routine. You can help and support each other from time to time. 

Your buddy will keep you accountable to your goals. They can motivate you when you need some encouragement. You can also celebrate your wins with them.

And, voila! Now you know all the secrets behind building the best routine for students. As you begin to follow these steps, remember that even a little bit of effort goes a long way. With patience, consistency, and regular reflection, you will be able to craft the perfect routine for all-round success.